President – opened the meeting at 6:37 pm.
The President introduced Neal Friedman, who requested league support for Capstone project making Omohundro Street from 42nd St. up to Connecticut Ave. more pedestrian friendly. Mr. Friedman discussed ideas and received input from board members on the local area. The basics are an idea to do survey through the FB page, fall proposal submission, and spring final proposal submission. More to follow.
Secretary (outgoing) turnover items – discussed 1) STRIPE account/website (membership related) – will be turned over to Treasurer/Media; 2) ZOOM setup – backup to Media will be VP; 3) Agenda – VP; and 4) Membership list – voted on distribution; unanimous vote to limit to elected officers; private details will not be disclosed as indicated on membership form;
Membership – advised currently have 145 paid members. Membership chairperson is open; if anyone is interested, please let the President/Vice President know.
Treasurer – 1) Newsletter check payment signed by President; 2) attempted to file annual status with IRS, website down; 3) budget expires 30 JUN 21 (end of Fiscal year) and will clean-cut expenses to last year’s budget; and 4) audit to be conducted today by three (3) league officers.
Media – Deadline for input 27 AUG 21; have Adam G/Blythe Scott for September/Olga for October.
VP/Community Resource – 1) No crime prevention update; President has been in touch with liaison, Bryan Johnson, and discussed parking issues, Wave, and crime in area; 2) Speakers for future meetings discussed – Olga/would answer questions, David Nye/winterizing house, Firefighters, SPCA, Neighborhood Animal support; City Arborist/tree removal issues; Andrea McLellan/council person.
Community Improvement Committee – two subcommittees are being established for 1) Path cleanup/clamshell restoration; would request volunteers and $/quarterly; 2) Light pole damage reporting; city is not responsible; Dominion is. Used to be handled as a family/group activity; reporting outages.
Social Events – 1) July – Ice Cream Social was successful; 2) Plans through December; details forthcoming – COVID sensitive, outside, and spaced – walk arounds, dog walk around, pumpkin/scavenger hunt, thankful tree, etc.; 3) Colonial Place sign available and may be placed in community garden
Welcome Committee – Lakewood volunteer event 11 SEP 21 11-3 pm. Welcome package will be updated with assistance from Neighborhood beautification/Pooyah.
New business – Kingdom Embassy Ministries hosted past ice cream social; has offered up their church for meetings. No immediate action required.
The previous month’s minutes were unanimously adopted. The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 pm.
Three board members successfully completed Treasurer’s financial audit with no discrepancies.
Beth Travis, Secretary