Civic League By-Laws


Article I. Boundaries

Section 1. The geographical boundaries for the Colonial Place/Riverview Civic League (the “League”) are as follows: Colonial Place is bounded on the north and west by Mayflower Road, on the east by the “paper street” Mayflower Road (in actuality, the Haven Creek bike path and the Colonial Place Greenway); and on the south by 38th Street (only the north side of 38th Street is included). Riverview is bounded on the west by Granby Street, on the north and east by the “paper street” Beach Avenue, and on the south by La Valette Avenue.

Article II. Objectives

Section 1. The objectives of the League are to promote the development of our neighborhoods as a better place to live; to unite for cooperation and interchange of ideas; to encourage the participation of all interested individuals in the activities of the League; to further the best interest of these neighborhoods towards beautification, historical appreciation, recreation, the safety and security of its residents, and the protection of their property.

Section 2. The League shall not endorse candidates for political office.

Section 3. The Colonial Place/Riverview Civic league does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment and neighborhood for all residents, visitors, volunteers, employees, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.

Article III. Membership and Voting

Section 1. Any resident or property owner 18 years or older of the Colonial Place or Riverview neighborhoods shall be a member upon payment of annual dues.

Section 2. Any natural person who is not a resident or who does not own property within the Civic league boundaries who wishes to join the League may make application to the Board of Directors of the League (the “Board”). Upon approval by a majority of the Board and payment of annual dues and subsequent renewals, such person shall be a member. 

Section 3. Annual membership shall be for one calendar year (January 1st to December 31st). Membership shall commence upon receipt of membership dues by the Membership Committee. Membership shall expire for all members on December 31st of each year, except that a grace period of 30 days for the payment of the next year’s dues shall be extended to all members during which time the member shall retain all rights of a paid member. 

Section 4. The annual dues of the League shall be $10.00 per member, except for members age 65 or older, whose annual dues shall be $5.00. 

Section 5. Each member in good standing is entitled to one vote on a particular motion. The Civic League reserves the right to determine if multiple votes on a motion are cast by one member, and to discard and refuse to count any and all votes made by a member on a motion in excess of one. This determination shall be made by the Civic League Secretary. 

Section 6. Proxy voting is allowed at membership meetings by members in good standing. Proxies are valid only for the meeting or vote for which they are intended, must be in writing, and must be signed by both the submitting member and the absent member on a Civic League Board approved form. Proxies must be received by the Membership Committee Chairperson or their designate prior to the commencement of the meeting at which a vote is taken. The Membership Committee Chairperson shall validate the membership of the member submitting the proxy and shall submit the proxy to the Civic League Secretary for certification. The Secretary may, at his or her sole discretion, decline to certify the proxy, in which case it shall be considered invalid and shall not be counted as a vote. Proxy voting may be suspended for good cause at any time by the Board of Directors.

Article IV. Officers and Board of Directors

Section 1. Elective officers and the primary duties inherent in each office are defined as follows:

  1. President –The president shall chair all League meetings and Board meetings and shall act as the official representative and spokesperson of the League unless that responsibility is delegated by the president, the League membership, or these Bylaws to another person. The president shall prepare the agenda for all Board meetings. The president is an ex-officio member of all committees.
  2. Vice President –The vice president shall be responsible for arranging guest speakers and other programs to be featured at membership meetings. The vice president shall also assist the president in the execution of presidential responsibilities and act on behalf of the president during the president’s absence or inability to attend to duties. 
  3. Treasurer –The treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the League and deposit same in the name of the League in such federally insured bank or banks as the Board may choose. The treasurer shall prepare and present an annual budget for the approval of the Board at the May meeting of the Board and for
    approval by League members at the annual meeting. The treasurer shall prepare and present an accounting of all receipts and disbursements in monthly reports to the Board and to the League, and shall deliver an annual report of the year just passed to the membership at the annual meeting of the League.
  4. Secretary –The secretary shall record the minutes of all League and Board meetings and submit them to the respective bodies for approval, provide copies of minutes to Board members prior to the meetings at which they are to be approved and maintain the minutes of the League in good order, transferring them to the secretary’s successor upon election. The secretary shall notify Board members of the time and place of Board meetings and shall provide agendas for all regularly scheduled Board and membership meetings.
  5. Neighborhood Representative –The neighborhood representative shall be a resident of and represent either neighborhood if, after the election of the other four elected officers, such neighborhood is not otherwise represented by another elected officer.

Section 2. The Civic League shall be governed by a Board of Directors which shall be comprised of the elected officers plus the chairpersons of the standing committees. Each person holding an office or a committee chair, or holding several of them simultaneously, shall be entitled to a single vote only regardless of the number of positions held by that person. When a committee has more than one chairperson, only a single vote representing that committee shall be counted. The Board of Directors shall be responsible to the membership, and shall carry out the day-to-day activities and management of the Civic League as
necessary and as directed by the membership from time to time. 

Section 3. The Board shall: 

  1. Assist in guiding the League toward the achievement of its objectives outlined in Article II;
  2. Be responsible for coordinating the activities of the League and League Committees;
  3. Prepare the agenda for all regular League meetings. 

Section 4. No officer or member of the League shall represent the League in any matter without prior approval of the Board, except as provided herein. 

Section 5. Any officer who fails to attend three consecutive League or Board meetings without good cause may be removed from office in accordance with Section 6 of this article.

Section 6. Any officer who fails to perform the duties of such office may be removed, following 15 days’ written notice from the Board, by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at the next League meeting.

Section 7. Interim vacancies of office will be filled by special election at the next League meeting, following notice in the newsletter. 

Article V. Committees

Section 1. The League shall be supported by eight standing committees and four permanent subcommittees:

  1. Welcome Committee – The Welcome Committee shall act as the League’s initial point of contact with persons and families moving into the Colonial Place and Riverview neighborhoods as well as with businesses adjacent to these areas. The committee shall develop, subject to approval by the Board of Directors, a welcome package to be given at no charge to new households which shall consist of a variety of useful and informative items. This package shall be delivered by a member of the committee at the earliest opportunity after learning of a new resident.
  2. Community Improvement & Beautification Committee – The Community Improvement & Beautification Committee shall act as the League’s official liaison with City of Norfolk departments and programs having charge over community improvement, codes enforcement and beautification. In addition, this committee shall have responsibility for League involvement in the following programs and areas of interest, either directly or through City officials
  • Community Garden
  • Greenway Improvements
  • Bulkhead improvements and related issues
  • Maintenance of neighborhood entrance sign areas
  • Street Light program
  • Public spaces improvements
  • Condition of streets, sidewalks and walkways
  • Neighborhood Mermaid
  • Other improvement and beautification programs as approved by the Board of Directors
  1. Environmental Committee –The Environmental Committee shall lead the residents and businesses of the Colonial Place and Riverview neighborhoods toward greater environmental stewardship in order to prevent pollution, reduce waste and create a more sustainable green environment. The committee shall also coordinate and act as liaison for the League’s efforts in the areas of:
  • Community Recycling
  • River Star Homes program
  • Environmental festival activities
  • Keep Norfolk Beautiful Day
  • Electronic recycling
  • Neighborhood cleanup events
  • Oyster floats & beds program
  • Yard waste recycling & disposal
  • Street sweeping program
  • Fertilizer usage & impacts on waterways
  • Animal & pet waste disposal awareness
  • Litter control events
  • EARNN Program
  • Adopt-a-Spot program
  • Other environmental efforts as approved by the Board of Directors
  1. Media Committee– The Media Committee shall have charge of all aspects of creating, producing and distributing the League’s newsletter and the creation, production and maintenance of the League web site and other forms of electronic or other media used to communicate with the general public, the residents of Colonial Place and Riverview and the League membership.

The Media Committee shall have four permanent subcommittees:

  1. Newsletter Production Subcommittee – The Newsletter Production Subcommittee shall create or obtain articles and solicit timely information for publication in the League’s newsletter, which shall be published each month. The subcommittee shall also prepare the layout and finished format of the proposed newsletter, and, upon final approval by the President, shall disseminate it to residents. There shall be a Newsletter Editor who shall be the chairperson of this subcommittee.
  2. Newsletter Distribution Subcommittee – The Newsletter Distribution Subcommittee shall, at the direction of the Media Committee Chair, and when the board decides a printed newsletter shall be distributed, receive the printed copies of the newsletter from the printer, and shall arrange the delivery of one copy to each resident and adjacent business of the Colonial Place and Riverview neighborhoods as they are defined in the bylaws. There shall be a Newsletter Distribution Subcommittee chairperson.
  3. Media Advertising Subcommittee – The Media Advertising – Subcommittee shall act as the League’s point of contact with businesses and their owners and employees in the areas immediately adjacent to the Colonial Place and Riverview neighborhoods for advertising in the newsletter. In addition, the committee shall solicit advertising to be placed in the League’s monthly newsletter, shall maintain records of same and schedules sufficient to determine amounts received from each advertiser, the advertisement to be run and the date of such advertisement, and any balances owed by advertisers. The Subcommittee Chairperson shall prepare and disseminate monthly invoices to each advertiser which will reflect the balance due or any credits at that point. The Subcommittee Chairperson shall also prepare a monthly report that lists balances collected and monies owed by each advertiser and shall provide a copy to the Board of Directors. Monies collected, along with the associated information, shall be promptly delivered to the Treasurer for deposit in the League’s bank account. A yearly audit shall be performed on the records kept as noted above, performed by the same committee charged with auditing the treasurer’s records that year and shall be combined with the annual Treasurer’s report. The committee shall also assist the Welcome Committee by serving as the point of contact to businesses interested in providing coupons or other offerings to the League members. There shall be a Media Advertising Subcommittee chairperson.
  4. Information Technology Subcommittee – The Information Technology Subcommittee shall develop and maintain the League’s internet, wireless and other electronic initiatives. Updates and changes to the League’s website and other electronic media shall be coordinated and performed by this subcommittee at the direction of the Media Committee chairperson. There shall be an Information Technology Subcommittee chairperson.

Membership & Publicity Committee – The Membership & Publicity Committee shall maintain the lists of active and inactive members, receive and record amounts paid by each member for annual membership, promptly transmit amounts received to the treasurer for deposit in the League’s bank account, ensure that each membership complies with the then-current bylaws in regards to membership requirements, and ensure that all votes taken during monthly meetings, whether of the members or of the board, are in compliance with the bylaws insofar as the requirements for voting are concerned. The committee shall also develop and suggest to the board methods for increasing membership. In addition, the committee shall devise and carry out, upon approval of the board, various activities designed to advertise, showcase or improve the purpose, mission and benefits of the League generally and membership specifically. The committee shall provide to the President, on a monthly basis before each Board meeting, a copy of the entire membership roster in either paper or electronic format as directed, suitable to be used as a data backup in case of need.

Crime Prevention Committee – The Crime Prevention Committee shall coordinate neighborhood block security programs with the Police Department and residents of Colonial Place and Riverview and develop and present crime prevention and awareness programs to the residents through all available media.

Dog Park Committee – The Dog Park Committee shall have responsibility for the neighborhood Dog Park located within the boundaries of the Civic League. It shall, among other duties, act as liaison for the public-private partnership between the Civic League and the City of Norfolk regarding the Dog Park, ensure that the grounds within the Dog Park are maintained as required by the City of Norfolk and ensure that regulations pertaining to the operation of the Dog Park are enforced. It shall provide regular monthly reports to the Board and membership regarding the current condition of the Dog Park, noting any deficiencies seen or improvements made during the previous period, any suggestions or requests, if any, as to changes to be made in the operation or maintenance of the Dog Park, and other information that is relevant to its operation.

Social Events Committee – The Social Events Committee shall be responsible for planning, organizing, implementing and/or supporting social events sponsored by the Civic League, the purpose of which is to increase awareness of the Civic League, to foster a greater sense of community among residents, and to promote members’ and residents’ social interaction with each other. Any such events shall be held within or around Colonial Place and Riverview. Events may be recurring or non-recurring (one-time) and may be concurrent with membership meetings if so approved.

For each proposed event, the committee shall submit a proposal to the Board of Directors in advance, including a proposed schedule, location, estimated cost and a proposed funding source, whether unfunded or funded by the Civic League directly, or by sponsorship, or by other contributions. The Board of Directors may, in collaboration with the Committee Chairperson, modify any proposal before giving its approval and the committee shall adhere to any such modifications in organizing and implementing the event. 

Expenditures and any reimbursements shall adhere to the requirements of these bylaws.

The Social Events Committee, jointly with the Media Committee, shall be responsible for the content and operation of the Civic League’s official and sponsored social media presence, to include any Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages, among other such platforms. The Committee shall use these platforms to showcase the events, projects, activities and accomplishments of the Civic League and to publicize important, relevant and interesting information and announcements to Civic League members and the community at large.

Section 2. There shall be one or more Chairperson(s) appointed for each of the standing committees, the permanent subcommittees, and ad hoc committees, and each shall be, and at all times remain, members in good standing of the League and shall be appointed by, and serve at the discretion of, the elected officers. Appointments and removals of chairpersons shall be decided by a simple majority vote, in which a tie vote is considered a failed vote. A special meeting of the elected officers may be called at any time by the President for the purpose of appointing or removing Chairpersons. Appointments or removals shall not be effective until a letter to such effect has been signed by the President and delivered to the affected Chairperson, along with a copy to the Secretary. Any Committee chairperson who shall neglect to perform his duties by absence from three consecutive regular or Board meetings shall be considered to have relinquished his chairmanship and the vacancy thus created shall be filled as soon as possible as provided in this section above.

Section 3.  The president is an ex-officio member of all standing committees but shall not chair any committee.

Section 4. Committee and subcommittee members shall be, and at all times remain, members in good standing of the League. Each committee and subcommittee chairperson is hereby encouraged to recruit additional committee members as he or she may deem appropriate to carry out the duties and responsibilities of their committee or subcommittee.

Section 5. The President may, as he or she determines the need, create ad hoc committees for various purposes and shall have the power to appoint or remove an ad hoc committee’s chairperson. Such ad hoc committees shall be limited in term to no more than one period of six months’ duration, excepting that, under special circumstances, the President may authorize a single extension of such committee’s term of no longer than six months’ duration. In no case shall any ad hoc committee be in existence for a period longer than 12 consecutive months. Any such creations, appointments, removals or extensions shall not become effective until a letter to such effect has been signed by the President and delivered to the affected Chairperson, along with a copy to the Secretary.

Section 6. Members of each committee shall be appointed by the chairperson of that committee. All committees shall be open to volunteering members. No volunteer shall be excluded or removed by a chairperson without good cause. 

Article VI. Finances

Section 1. The Treasurer shall prepare a proposed budget containing all projected income and expenses anticipated during the upcoming fiscal year, divided into proposed budget lines, and shall present this proposed budget to the Board of Directors at its May meeting for approval. Upon approval by the Board, the proposed budget shall be published in the June newsletter and shall be presented by the Treasurer to the membership at the June meeting for its approval. Upon such approval by the membership, the Board of Directors shall have authority to expend the total amount approved and to adjust line item amounts as necessary up to that total. Proposed expenditures in excess of the total amount approved by the membership shall not be made without an additional vote of approval by the membership, which vote shall not be taken without notice to the membership of such proposal published at least one month prior on the front page of the Civic League newsletter. The Treasurer shall receive monies payable to the Civic League and shall deposit them into accounts set up for that purpose.

Section 2. All checks shall be signed by the president, or the vice-president, or the treasurer, and all checks shall be signed by any two of said officers.

Section 3. Claims for reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of the League must be submitted to the treasurer within 45 days of the day the expense was incurred, else such expense shall not, under ordinary circumstances, be reimbursed. Claims so made shall be accompanied by printed receipts, and shall be verified by both the Treasurer and either the President or Vice-President, or else such claims shall be denied.

Section 4. The treasurer’s books shall be audited annually by an ad hoc committee of three members, the results of which shall be announced no later than the August meeting of the League. 

Article VII. Meetings and Quorums

Section 1. The League shall hold regularly scheduled monthly meetings, with the June meeting to be the annual meeting of the League.

Section 2. Special meetings of the League shall be held at the call of the president or at the request of at least seven League members.

Section 3. Fifteen members, including at least two officers, shall constitute a quorum for regularly scheduled membership meetings.

Section 4. Membership and Board meetings shall be governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, except that in the event of a conflict with these Bylaws, these Bylaws shall control.

Section 5. The Board shall hold regularly scheduled monthly meetings, which shall be open to the membership, with the first Board meeting after the League annual meeting to be the annual meeting of the Board.

Section 6. Four Board members shall constitute a quorum of a Board meeting. 

Article VIII. Elections

Section 1. A nominating committee shall be named at the April League meeting. This committee will be comprised of three members. At least one member of the nominating committee shall have been a resident for  seven years or longer and at least one member of the nominating committee shall have been a resident for less than seven years.

Section 2. The nominating committee shall nominate a slate of officers of one or

more names for each elective office at the May meeting. Nominations for elective offices may also be made from the floor. All nominations made at the May meeting shall be published in the next newsletter.

Section 3. The election of officers shall take place at the League annual meeting in June.

Section 4. Each officer’s term shall commence upon the conclusion of the meeting at which such officer was elected.

Section 5. If any position is not filled at the annual meeting, then it shall be treated as an interim vacancy, as provided in Article IV, Section 7.

Article IX. Amendments

Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority of members present and voting at any regular League meeting, provided a quorum is present and prior notice of the substance of the proposed amendment has been given in the newsletter.