invasive plant removal

Invasive plant Removal in the CPRV Community Garden

It was a great day for a clean-up at Knitting Mill Creek Community Garden. Good riddance Nandina, Japanese Stilt grass, English Ivy, privet, and more! 
Lots of hard work removing invasive plants from the garden. Thank you to all who participated- Anna Thurmond Dalton, MarthaPrice Stewart Mary-Carson Stiff (and girls!) Ellis Jones, Kim Stewart, Susan Boice, Sue and Bob Volpe, Brad Dalton, Mitch Swecker and Kim Swecker.

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The 19th century in Norfolk saw the birth of key institutions and transformative events that left a lasting imprint on the city’s history. We’ve distilled this rich history into a concise overview to provide you with a glimpse of Norfolk’s past.

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