Meeting Minutes
March 2023

CPRV Civic League Meeting March 13, 2023, 6:30 p.m. – 7:12 p.m.


Special Election 

  • Patience McCarthy was approved as a Riverview board member in a special election.

Crime Prevention Committee (Stephanie Clark)

  • is a website that provides valuable information about recent crime activity in our neighborhood.
  • Dominion will replace all lights in the area over the next 3 years.


Stephanie can be reached at:



  • Housing Market update 
  • Handouts were provided to President  


Environment Committee (Matthew Lynch) 

  • Call for committee members


Matthew can be reached at:


Media Committee (Shannon Bowman) 


Shannon can be reached at:


Social Committee (Artemis Stoll) 

  • No events for this month
  • Committee meeting this week
  • Look online for future events  


Artemis can be reached at:


Secretary (Beth Travis)

  • The motion for approval of February meeting minutes was approved


Beth can be reached at:


Treasurer (David Wolfe)

  • Treasurer’s report is available upon request.


David can be reached at:


Membership Committee 


Jay can be reached at:


President (Laura Burns)

Art Walk 

  • Colonial Place & Riverview resident artists will showcase original works of art and creativity on their front porches
  • Scheduled for October 1, 2023
  • Point of Contact: Shirley Cooper who will speak at the May meeting
  • For more information:


Asphalt Art 

  • Donations are being accepted for this project
  •  Slated to begin project at the end of year  Check website.  
  • For more information:


Laura can be reached at:


Questions/comments – 

1) Signs for notification of Civic League Meetings – getting two (2) signs.  

2) HRSD bills going up significantly – water up 18%.  Other portions going up significantly higher than inflation.  

POC:  Glenn Harris 


Motion to adjourn was made and accepted at 7:12 pm.

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